Chapter 11 backing tracks

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Here are backing tracks for exercises and pieces in Chapter 11 of Violinworks Book 1. Performance tracks (including the solo violin line) and PDF piano accompaniment scores can be found on the CD that accompanies the book. Click here to order a copy.

To download an audio track, click ‘download’, then (if necessary) right click or control click and choose ‘save audio’. Please note that all these tracks are copyright Oxford University Press and should only be used for practice purposes.


Argentine Dance (page 59) – count 2 bars of 3/4 before starting (there’s one bar of count-in plus one bar of introduction)


Cha cha cha (page 60)


Diarra Loro Lora (page 60)


Shake them Simmons Down (page 61)


Au Clair de la Lune (page 61)


Au Clair de la Lune – this is the backing track for the “Try…” on page 62.


Au Clair de la Lune – this is a performance of the “Try…” on page 62.


Spanish Dance (page 62)


Prelude (page 63)


Lyme Bay (page 64)


Buenos Aires Tango (page 65)


Maiden Castle (page 65)