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Here are backing tracks for exercises and pieces in Chapter 17 of Violinworks Book 1. Performance tracks (including the solo violin line) and PDF piano accompaniment scores can be found on the CD that accompanies the book. Click here to order a copy.
To download an audio track, click ‘download’, then (if necessary) right click or control click and choose ‘save audio’. Please note that all these tracks are copyright Oxford University Press and should only be used for practice purposes.
I’ll mount the air on swallow’s wings (page 92)
Frère Jaques (page 92) – major key version
Frère Jaques (page 92) – minor key version with low 2nd finger C naturals, from Mahler Symphony no. 1 (3rd movement)
Bushes and Briars (page 93)
The Raggle Taggle Gypsy (page 93)
Scarborough Fair (page 94)
Die Hoffnung (page 94). Note: the piano plays three quavers before you start.
‘Non So Piu Cosa Son’ from The Marriage of Figaro (page 95). Note: the string quartet starts at the beginning of the first bar – you come in after 3 beats.
Freu Dich Sehr, O Meine Seele (page 96)
Dundai (page 96)
Korobeiniki (page 97)
Rocking 2nds (page 97)
Sliding Semitone Blues (page 98). Note: the repeat is included in this backing track.